The QuiltWest 2021 Bernina Best of Show Winner is.....
Congratulations to Lana Lefroy on winning the QuiltWest Bernina Best of Show Award for her stunning three piece quilt Death Row. Lana’s quilt also won 1st prize in the Art Quilts: Open category.
The QuiltWest 2021 event held over the weekend was a huge success. The prize-giving ceremony was well attended, with wonderful prizes given to category winners, The hall of the Stirling Adriatic Centre was used to hang the prize-giving quilts with all quilts shown via a slide show on the overhead projector.
Raffle tickets were sold at the entrance to the event with a raffle conducted each day. The prizes were drawn at the end of the day in the hall, and Sunday’s first prize was a lovely quilt which the winner was very happy to take away.
The market hall was bursting with colour, with lots of fabric, notions and all sorts of goodies for sale. Many visitors left with more bags than they had when they arrived, with some making multiple trips to their cars.
I’m quoting Phil Thomas with “a big thank you to all the helpers who volunteered to put up and take down the show (not forgetting the man-power and Jasmine) … It was a true team effort.”
Check out the WAQA Facebook page for more photos and videos of QuiltWest 2021. Photos of all quilts entered in QuiltWest 2021 will be added to the website in the next few days.