WAQA Membership


Why Become a Member?

Regular social meetings with shop of the month, block of the month and fun skill building sessions

  • Interesting guest speakers

  • Regular workshops by local and interstate tutors

  • Extensive library of books, magazines and DVDs with mail service to country members

  • Monthly QNews

  • Quilters’ Quarterly magazine

  • Eligibility to enter QuiltWest and the annual Challenge

  • Ad hoc activities throughout the year

  • Monthly community quilting ‘Busy Bees’

  • Specialty groups

  • Small groups service

  • Beginners’ support

  • Group public liability assistance

  • Billeting of country members when attending Perth events

  • Regular retreats

  • Accredited tutors and judges available statewide


Please feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings as a visitor and talk to our Membership Secretary or ask Committee Members (who wear a badge) or people manning the entry desk. Visitors may attend three WAQA meetings and then must take up membership in order to keep attending meetings. This is a public liability requirement.