Fun at the Beginners Group December Meeting
The December meeting of the Beginners Group, saw quite a few members attending to finish off the year. There were smiles all around with the announcement that next year the meetings will start at 10am instead of 12pm. Two more hours for quilting!!
A special treat for interested members was the demonstration and instruction by Helen Sugars Duff on making a Mug Carrier. There were quite a few steps involved, but Helen provided plenty of support and guidance to help us along. Whilst not many finished the project on the day, purely due to the time spent enjoying the wonderful shared lunch, I’m sure we will see the results next year. I have almost finished mine, I just need to find the right button, the right purple button of course.
Another highlight for the day was Phil and Susan showing off the quilts they each made using the same pattern. Such different results in both colour, style, finish and size. I just love seeing finished quilts, particularly from such talented quilters. Such an inspiration for new beginners, and long-term beginners. See you next year!!
Susan’s quilt in the bright colours and Phil’s much larger quilt with the border.