Final Pop-Ups for 2021

There were three pop-ups at the November Sewing Meetings to finish off the year. As always they were very popular and I barely managed to get into the boardroom to take a photo or two during the day. Luckily for me, they were repeated in the evening and thus I was able to not only take a few more photos, but actually watch, listen and learn.


Phil showed the secret of how she made her Interweave quilt, using Danish Woven Hearts patterns. The technique was first adapted for fabric by UK quilter Gillian Travis. Vliesofix is fused to fabric squares which are then cut according to the traditional patterns, and woven together to form the blocks. The history on the origins of the tradition makes interesting reading. For inspiration and pattern ideas just google danish woven hearts


Rosalie demonstrated how to make podlets - cute reversible and collapsible fabric baskets in a range of sizes. Watch the youtube video for making these gorgeous baskets or use these Instructions.


The librarians gave a very festive pop up this month, with demos of clever Christmas decorations and other seasonal fabric ideas from the many books in our library.

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