Beginners Group Going Well

The Beginners Group meet the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month and last Monday’s meeting was full of chatter, laughter and sewing, with a few of the attendees doing more of the first than the last. It has been some months now since the departure of our ‘teacher’ Phil Thomas and ‘teacher’s aide’ Susan Sheath, but the group sessions continue to be worth attending. Julie is doing a wonderful job of ensuring the group continues to be enjoyable for all. There are many ‘experienced’ beginners that provide advice, help, support and answers as required. It is always interesting to see what everyone is working on.

Last Monday was extra special as Susan took time out from her stitched and bound commitments and working on her QuiltWest entries, to attend and see how we were getting on. We look forward to seeing her again in a month’s time when she will be demonstrating some aspect of quilting - might be working with curves. I was obviously too busy sewing (not talking) to be listening!!

BeginnersWAQA blog