Artists at Work

Have you been out to Midland to see the Artists in Residence program running alongside the stitched and bound exhibition? So far there have been six amazing ladies since the start of May, working in the Veranda Studio next to the Midland Junction Arts Centre.


Susan Sheath and Marilyn Clarke-Murphy were the first to use the space for a couple of weeks, with the walls and tables covered in their work. Then Kerry Moore and Jan Rowe took over for a few weeks with some amazing pieces of their own. After that Nadja Sevic took her turn in the Studio showing visitors some wonderful items she had made. Now Janine Judge occupies the space and will be there until the end of the week.

Please check the opening times on the MJAC Website as the Veranda Studio is open at the same time. Also have a look at the stitchedandbound Facebook page as updates on the Artists in Residence program are posted regularly.