Final Busy Bee for 2023
Our final Community Quilts Busy Bee was well attended last Sunday with 31 members turning up including two first-timers. As the temperature reached 37 degrees outside, both of the large evaporative coolers were in use to lower the temperature inside the APCH hall. Huge thanks to Helen for supplying the bucket and keeping the water levels high enough to ensure the coolers produced cold air. The lunch time break was a chance to rest, recover and enjoy a few laughs.

A highlight of the day was the show and tell as there were more than 20 quilts on display, each with their own story. It is always good to see a quilt that started as a few donated blocks which went through a number of hands before becoming a completed quilt ready to be passed on. It is also good to see a quilt that has been donated by an individual that provided the fabric and wadding and did all the work themselves.
A big thankyou to everyone that supported Community Quilts this year.